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12 Powerful React Native Tools for High Productivity

In simple words, it is a source code editor that comes with a Python API to facilitate plugins. Nuclide is a highly customized integrated development environment tool that enables developers https://globalcloudteam.com/ to improve project coding. It comes with important features like health statistics, working sets, quick open, context view, a debugger, remote development, task runner, etc.

react native developer tools

The library also supports deep linking, allowing developers to create links that open specific screens within their app. Every modern web browser offers an inbuilt developer tools solution for developers to inspect and fix bugs in web apps. For example, you can add breakpoints and use the how to hire a react native developer console to debug any JavaScript-based app. Also, you can inspect native DOM elements and attributes easily with the browser’s DevTools. React Developer Tools is a solution to inspect and analyze React components. It lets you edit component props and the state for debugging purposes.

Top React Native Developer Tools for 2023

When submitting a request to the server, for example, it may be difficult to track down an issue. Developers typically debug this by printing or alerting error messages; however, this is time-consuming , as it takes many iterations to comprehend the condition fully. However, especially in React Native, using Redux might be a nuisance if you cannot debug your state. You may use React Native Debugger to debug your Redux-based project easily. For example, you can use the CLI to install React Native project pre-configured with a specific package like TypeScript or even complete boilerplates. It’s great for automating jobs like linking, starting the packager and building the app.

react native developer tools

With React Navigation you can implement all kinds of transitions out of the box. Of course, the tool supports such navigation elements as the tab bar, stack navigation , drawer navigation and deep linking. ESLint and TSLint will also be very helpful for teams where a few developers are working on the same project and need to keep up to a common codestyle. Also, such linters can help you prevent some mistakes and initially inefficient code parts.

Browser extension

React Native Tools is nothing but a Visual Studio Code extension. It provides a helpful environment for React Native app development projects. It also assists developers while they are debugging the codes.

react native developer tools

In this blog post, we have discussed the top ten React Native developer tools for 2023, which can help developers create high-performance and feature-rich mobile apps. These tools will help manage state, debug code, and improve your app’s overall user experience. React Native has two different environments, iOS, and Android. You can develop a single user-friendly app for Android and iOS with tools for debugging react native apps.

Debug React apps with React Developer Tools

If you get an error, you can get a clue from the line number from that red screen. A couple of undo will get you back to working state and start again. This will allow you to navigate the view hierarchy if you select the React tab when the developer tools are open.

  • It is one of the popular debugging tools that focuses on both coding style and code quality.
  • On Start app Redux Persist retrieves this persisted state from AsyncStorage and add it back to Redux.
  • On iOS – open the file RCTWebSocketExecutor.m and change localhost to the IP address of your computer.
  • The React Native framework embeds a fully native interface to share codes between platforms.
  • It will undoubtedly make any React Native developer’s life easier, more productive, and more efficient.
  • Jest is a ready-to-use solution that doesn’t require any configuration.

Also, it provides services like Hack development, Remote, and JavaScript development, working sets, built-in debugging, task runner, mercurial support, etc. With react dev tools like Read Styleguidist, you may alter the code in the displayed version. That is, one side of the screen will show the generated user interface, while the other will show your code.

Benefits of using React for building scalable and maintainable web applications

With Evergreen, you can choose from a wide variety of ready-to-use components, though you can also customize them. Start a new project or take an existing one to the next level. The reputation requirement helps protect this question from spam and non-answer activity.

You can put breakpoints to the view and debug the code in there as you can see in the image. It also has a very small file size which is just 2KB and it works quite well with React.js and other libraries. Flow is a React Native programming tool that provides static typing. It was released by Facebook in November 2014 and since then it has emerged as a developer’s favorite tool for reliable, fast, and simplified coding. Furthermore, it also has a strong ecosystem of extensions that supports other languages such as Java, PHP, C#, C++, and Python. Developers can use this library whenever they are looking to add stylish sliders to their app.

Native Debugging

In a nutshell, Bit’s third-party marketplace will let you to browse among components created by others. You may even change the component and see a preview of it with Bit. This allows you to examine a variety of components and select the one that best matches your project.